Requests for Release at bottom of page, please read instructions carefully !
TRYOUT FEE ALL AGES $75. (pre-paid discount)
Pre-paid discount ends seven days before first tryout, tryout fees will then increase by $25 No partial tryout fee's or credit cards will be accepted. To obtain the tryout discount the application and fee must be received with payment (postmarked 7 days prior to the first tryout).
Check social media and website for up to date clinic and tryout information.
All clinics and tryouts are held at the Clark Gilles Arena at Dix Hills Park.
TRYOUT DATES 2025-2026
8U & 10U Team Long Island |
Open Enrollment * More Info Coming Soon |
12U Team Long Island |
March 4 - 7:20PM |
March 5 - 7:30PM |
14U Team Long Island |
April 8 - 5:50PM |
April 9 - 7:30PM |
16U - 19U Team Long Island |
April 8 - 7:00PM |
April 9 - 8:40PM |
NOTE: If you obtained a release from Rebels / Hawks / Lady Islanders / LI Royals / or any other organziation you MUST BRING THE ORIGINAL RELEASE TO THE FIRST TRYOUT or you will not be allowed to tryout.
NOTE: Any player from another travel organization MUST present an ORIGINAL signed release form.
Team Long Island (Lady Islanders) players wishing a release must fill out the online Release Request form. Requests will be processed and emailed providing all fees are paid in full; the individual has no outstanding balance with the team; the team has completed all play for the season including tournaments, games and practices; and team has no outstanding ice bill with the league. All qualified (see above) requested releases will issued 10 days prior to the NYSAHA tryout date or in limited cases 10 days after the qualified request. An original form is required and copies (fax included) are not acceptable.
(Read Movement Rules and Required Forms Carefully)
Failure to follow the instructions will result in a delay or not receiving the request release returned.
Current Team Long Island (Lady Islanders) players requesting a release (click here to download release forms ) must send the completed "Player Release Form" along with a completed "Acknowledgement of Player Movement Rules Form" with A Stamped Self Addressed Envelope to:
Lady Islanders
375 W Main St #333
Huntington, NY 11743
1. Dix Hills Rink Staff can not issue or help you obtain a release. You must follow above process.
2. Releases can not be submitted or obtained in person, they must be mailed. Releases will not be left at rink office.
3. Releases can not be emailed or faxed. They must have an original signature and raised seal.
4. If all three (above listed) required items are not submitted the release will not be issued.
5. We normally complete and place back into the mail within two days however NYSAHA states teams have 10 days to return completed release. Releases requested prior to the end of the season will not be returned until completion.
6. The "Original" release must be brought to any tryout you attend including Rebels / Hawks.
Team Long Island (Lady Islanders) follow the above listed NYSAHA and LIAHL rules and will not violate or circumvent them, please do not ask.
NOTE: Items Required to be mailed..........
1. Filled out Player Release Form
2. Filled out Acknowledgement of Player Movement Rules Form
3. Stamped Self Addressed Envelope
NOTE: If one of the above three items is not included in the mailing the request will not be processed.
NYSAHA Rule 7.A states:
"Players will be allowed to move from one team (association) to another team (association) at the conclusion of the State Tournament for 10 and under players and at the end of National Tournaments for players 11 and above."
At the conclusion of the respective tournament the player must obtain a release from the association that they are leaving showing they have no financial and/or equipment obligation.
When a player joins a new association and the association and player commit in writing, that commitment to participate is for the next complete season. Until the season ends (after respective tournament) no permission to move will be granted without extenuating circumstances.